Ok Thanks for the information Marcus.  I have both a Spyverter and Ham-it-up 
already. I may get an N210 eventually. The X series unfortunately are out of my 
funding range. I appreciate your expertise and advice. Thanks!
Larry, K4LED 

> On Jul 12, 2020, at 10:08 PM, Marcus D. Leech <> wrote:
> On 07/12/2020 09:42 PM, Larry Dodd wrote:
>> Marcus
>> Actually I don’t have the B210 or the LFRX yet as I just ordered them but 
>> that’s all I ordered. Do I need to cancel the order?
>> Larry, K4LED
> The LFRX will be of no use to you unless you have a platform that it can plug 
> in to.
> I'd keep the B210 part of the order, and order a HamItUp or SpyVerter 
> upconverter module, which up-converts HF frequencies to
>  a higher range that the B210 can tune to.
> HamiTup is sold by NooElec, and the SpyVerter is sold by 
> Again, the LFRX is a "daughtercard", which is used in various USRPS that use 
> the daughter-card architecture, like the USRP1, USRP2,
>  N2xx, X3xx, B100, and E100.
> But the B210 is an excellent machine, it's just that it doesn't tune down to 
> HF frequencies.  But with the addition of a (fairly cheap, IMHO)
>  up-converter, you can explore the territory you're interested in quite 
> nicely.
> In terms of software, it really depends on what you want to *do*. If you just 
> want an integrated FFT display that can cover your 15MHz
>  of bandwidth, you can use the uhd_fft application, and have it sample at 
> 15Msps--this assumes your computer is able to "keep up"
>  at that rate--a good USB3 controller will be required, and a good multi-core 
> machine to go with it.
>>>> On Jul 12, 2020, at 8:06 PM, Marcus D Leech <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>> The B210 is self contained and tunes down to 50Mhz at the lowest. The LFRX 
>>> is for other types of USRPs. So first things first, what type of USRP do 
>>> you have?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jul 12, 2020, at 7:43 PM, Larry Dodd via USRP-users 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I need to set up a GNU HF spectrum analyzer with a waterfall using my 
>>>> B210, LNA, and LFRX daughter board. The target would be a 15 to 30 MHz (or 
>>>> wider) instantaneous spectrum for Radio Astronomy work. Rather than 
>>>> re-creating something that already exists where could I get a similar GNU 
>>>> flowgraph? Since I am brand new to USRP any advice is very welcome.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Larry, K4LED
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