I guess I just need to think more about the problem. With your explanation
I still don't understand why the 1 PPS would be detected differently in the
two situations, and I still don't understand why the phase of the 10 MHz
reference with respect to the 1 PPS should matter. I can understand some
variation, but not 10 clock cycles worth. I know the PPS signal moves
around in time, but I know it doesn't move much in the GPS receivers I use,
especially over short time scales. As I said, perhaps I just need to think
more about what you said. Thanks for the insight.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 1:27 PM Marcus D. Leech <patchvonbr...@gmail.com>

> On 06/23/2020 03:18 PM, Aaron Smith wrote:
> Marcus,
> They are EndRun Meridian and Meridian II units.
> I am very ignorant on this topic. Is it a standard that the 1 PPS should
> coincide with the top of a 10 MHz cycle? I just wouldn't expect the front
> end transmit delay, relative to the 1 PPS input, to depend on the 10 MHz
> reference phase. I don't understand how the 10 MHz reference and 1 PPS
> input are used to synthesize time. Is the 1 PPS detection done at the
> master lock rate (200 MHz) or at 10 MHz?
> The 1PPS is used *exactly once*, when you do a "set_time_next_pps", after
> which the time-of-day clock on the board is driven by the master
>   clock which is phase-locked to the 10MHz external reference.  So, the
> time-of-day clock on the board runs at (in the case of the X310) 200MHz
>   by default, so each "tick" is 5nsec.  The 1PPS signal is probably
> "sensed" by logic that's running at the master clock rate.  So two X310
> units may
>   still have a small amount of residual ambiguity about when 1PPS
> "happens", by perhaps as much as 5Nsec.  But I'm not an FPGA designer, so
>   this is just an mildly-educated "guess".
> There may be some lose convention about the phase of the 1PPS with respect
> to the 10MHz generated reference, but  would not expect it
>   to be an "enforced standard".  Different manufacturers will have
> different "servo" algorithms for steering the 10MHz clock output (usually,
> it's a
>   voltage-tunable VCTCXO or VOCXO) with respect to the *derived* 1PPS
> pulses.  The error on the 1PPS signal is typically surprisingly large--it's
>   1PPS +/- a few 10s of nanoseconds, and the phasing of that 1PPS with
> respect to the 10MHz signal isn't, I think, necessarily a "standard".
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 1:06 PM Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <
> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>> On 06/23/2020 02:45 PM, Aaron Smith via USRP-users wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I am attempting to release a transmission from an X310 every second.
>> > To accomplish this, I must measure, and calibrate the delay in the RF
>> > front end of the radio for my chosen sample rate. I'd like the
>> > transmission to be released within 1 clock cycle of the rising edge of
>> > the PPS.
>> >
>> > I am feeding the X310 an external 10 MHz reference and 1 PPS, which
>> > are produced by the same source, and are being supplied to the radio
>> > with matched cable lengths. The source is a GPS receiver and in my lab
>> > I have 2 different generations of the GPS receiver.
>> >
>> > While calibrating the front end transmit delay I noticed a discrepancy
>> > in the radio timing between the separate GPS receiver generations. The
>> > 1st generation of GPS receiver is 50 ns different than the calibration
>> > for the 2nd generation. When I look at the 1 PPS and 10 MHz output on
>> > a scope, I noticed that in the 1st generation the PPS occurs at the
>> > top of a 10 MHz cycle, and in the 2nd generation it occurs at the
>> > bottom of a 10 MHz cycle. Half a cycle at 10 MHz is 50 ns. I suspect
>> > this is not coincidence because I have now tested 6 different GPS
>> > receivers, 3 of gen 1 and 3 of gen 2, and all 3 gen 1 calibrations are
>> > the same and they are 50 ns different from the gen 2 calibrations.
>> >
>> > Is this the expected behavior? Or is there a bug in the X310 code that
>> > handles timing? I have never worked on hardware, but I would not
>> > expect the initial phase of a 10 MHz reference to impact absolute time.
>> >
>> > Thanks for your help!
>> >
>> >
>> These are external GPS receivers?  What kind?  Given your scope
>> measurements, how would this be related to a bug in X310?  I'm confused
>>    as to how you're linking the 10MHz/1PPS phasing on your external GPS
>> receivers to the X310 having bugs.
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