On 10/21/2019 02:17 PM, Pablo Martínez de Leiva Díaz wrote:
No, the problem remains even with sleeps before setting every channel.
One thing i have come out is that the first tunning, when the radio
have a default value of 1Ghz, always change the frequency without
error regardless of the target frequency.
Have you characterized how far away the frequency step needs to be
before this issue shows up?
El 20/10/2019 a las 23:21, Marcus D. Leech escribió:
On 10/20/2019 04:34 PM, Pablo Martínez de Leiva Díaz wrote:
We think we are using both cards. This is my uhd_usrp_probe:
If you change your code to insert a small sleep (let's say 0.01sec)
while tuning all channels, does the issue
go away?
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