Hi all,
We have a x310 SDR, we are obtaining IQ samples from 4 channels but we
are having problems with tune frequency.
When we already have set up one frequency, 100Mhz for example, and we
try to tune a frequency very distant from the current, 700mhz for
example, we get this error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'uhd::io_error'
what(): EnvironmentError: IOError: Block ctrl (CE_01_Port_40) no
response packet - AssertionError: bool(buff)
in uint64_t ctrl_iface_impl<_endianness>::wait_for_ack(bool, double)
[with uhd::endianness_t _endianness = (uhd::endianness_t)1; uint64_t =
long unsigned int]
at /build/uhd-ynzbn9/uhd-
This is the function we use for tuning:
bool sdr_set_tune_frequency(usrp_2945* radio, float freq, int channels) {
bool success = true;
std::cout << "Setting tune frequency: " << freq;
uhd::tune_request_t tune(freq);
for (int i = 0; i < channels; ++i) {
radio->usrp->set_rx_freq(tune, i);
if (std::abs(radio->usrp->get_rx_freq(i) - freq) > 0.0001){ //
Here we check if the change have been done correctly
success = false;
return success;
We have the release version of UHD.
I hope you can help us, thanks beforehand.
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