Hi JJ - The UHD MATLAB interface is provided and supported by The
MathWorks. Please contact them with any queries / issues. - MLD

On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 10:21 AM F1EHN via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Dear users,
> The running of my host computer with my X310 platform is OK.
> The data acquisition with a TwinRx board runs very well in real time.
> But my application (Matlab or Simulink) takes very long time to init the
> USRP platform (send of the radio parameters) and to catch the true data
> from X310 (the first frame returns null data (not a problem) but takes long
> time).
> The init phase can take 1 minut and the first frame return takes about 15
> sec.
> So these performances seem very long regarding the few tens of second to
> init the object (comm.SDRuReceiver) and the duration of the data (around 10
> sec for my radioastronomy application).
> I have open a request service to Mathworks to get help..
> Here I am looking for the true init time I can expect with this platform
> (and my computer – today a DELL M4800 laptop enough at this time for the
> real time running)  (parameters and first data frame) ?
> I have included the time measurement I did under Matlab 2019B (pdf). I
> also get the same result with Simulink..  using “faststart” function the
> platform runs well (confirming the init / parameters long time duration).
> Thank you for help / comments & best regards
> JJ
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