Hi guys,

I am responding to the following thread: http://lists.ettus.com/pipermail/usrp-users_lists.ettus.com/2018-August/057669.html

I am having the same problem while running the uhd_image_builder.py with the default images for X310.

See below:

frank@frank-iMac:/opt/uhd/host/build/examples$ "/opt/uhd_gnuradio_installs/bin/uhd_image_loader" --args="type=x300,addr=" [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 8.3.0; Boost_106700; UHD_3.15.0.git-71-g18bc320d Error: RuntimeError: The specified FPGA image is too large: 15878040 vs. 15878032

Any idea? I guess that this should NOT happen with default images downloaded through uhd_images_downloader.

Note that the USRP works by burning the default bitfile (HG version) directly via Vivado and JTAG.



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