We are having another issues with our TwinRXs. A co-worker has been trying to get this to work for a while, but has had no luck with the PPS timing. Here is the notes:
We are running UHD_3.14.1.HEAD-12-g5f75f73f. The setup is a single X310 (revision: 11, revision_compat: 7) with two TwinRX boards. The device gets Ref/PPS from an Octoclock. The attached script has a hard-coded IP address and clock rate. It works for other X310s with UBX/SBX daughter boards as well as the E320. Good results are (note line 5 below): Synchronizing Radios to Reference Signals Checking PPS synchronization next_pps from 1569851984.633563 is 1569851985.000000 Setting time for radio `gr uhd usrp source`: 2019-09-30 09:59:45 PPS alignment PASSED!: [1569851986.0, 1569851986] All radios are Synchronized Bad results are: Synchronizing Radios to Reference Signals Checking PPS synchronization next_pps from 1569851508.136703 is 1569851509.000000 Setting time for radio `gr uhd usrp source`: 2019-09-30 09:51:49 PPS alignment mismatch: [1569851509.9999995, 1569851509] Any thoughts of why this might be happening?
#!/usr/bin/env python2 from gnuradio import uhd import time import sys import math from datetime import datetime MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5 ADDR = '' CLKRATE = 200e6 # make sure we start the time reset iterations on the PPS Edge def get_pps_edge(usrp): last_pps_time = usrp.get_time_last_pps() while last_pps_time == usrp.get_time_last_pps(): pass #### START ##### try: usrp = uhd.usrp_source('addr=' + ADDR, uhd.stream_args(cpu_format='sc16', channels=range(1))) except Exception as e: print str(e) sys.exit() # get external clock try: usrp.set_clock_source('external', 0) except RuntimeError: print "Radio " + ADDR + " is not seeing 10 MHz clock" sys.exit() # configure the usrp usrp.set_clock_rate(CLKRATE, uhd.ALL_MBOARDS) # check lock to 10 MHz reference signal print "Synchronizing Radios to Reference Signals" attempts = 0 ref_locked = ["not_queried_yet"] while ref_locked != [" locked"]: ref_locked[0] = str(usrp.get_mboard_sensor("ref_locked", 0)).split(':')[-1] attempts += 1 if attempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS: print 'Unable to achieve ref lock. Exiting...' sys.exit() # check PPS synchronization print "Checking PPS synchronization" passed_test = False attempts = 0 while not passed_test: # re-align all radios get_pps_edge(usrp) # get far away from the "top of a second" so all clock sources will be on the same full second time.sleep(.4) time_real = time.time() # system time should be synced with GPS time #Round up to the next whole second next_pps = math.ceil(time_real) print 'next_pps from %f is %f' % (time_real, next_pps) # set_time_next_pps is non-blocking, so set all radios immediately after finding an edge print 'Setting time for radio `{}`: {}'.format( usrp.name(), datetime.fromtimestamp(next_pps)) usrp.set_time_next_pps(uhd.time_spec_t(next_pps)) # sleep through one pps edge so time is set correctly on all USRPs time.sleep(1) # check if the pps is correct for all radios get_pps_edge(usrp) # get pps for each radio last_pps = [] last_pps.append(usrp.get_time_last_pps().get_real_secs()) last_pps.append(int(time.time())) # compare pps for each radio if last_pps and last_pps.count(last_pps[0]) != len(last_pps): print "PPS alignment mismatch: {}".format(last_pps) passed_test = False else: print "PPS alignment PASSED!: {}".format(last_pps) passed_test = True attempts += 1 if attempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS: print 'Failed to synchronize radios after %d attempts' % MAX_ATTEMPTS print 'Exiting...' sys.exit() print "All radios are Synchronized"
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