Hi Serge,

I have tried to reproduce the issue on an N310 and X310 with no success.  I
tried several versions of UHD (including v3.13.1.0-rc1) on both and the
time alignment was always good and the benchmark_rate with the increased
INIT_DEALY always worked as expected.  Can you try with the head of the
UHD-3.13 branch and see if you still see the same issues?  If so, please
provide the modified tx_timed_samples example you are using along with the
command being issued.  A picture of what you are seeing on the scope would
also be helpful.


On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 9:54 PM Michael West <michael.w...@ettus.com> wrote:

> Hi Serge,
> Thank you for making us aware of the issues.  We are looking into them and
> consider them a priority.  We will let you know what we find.
> Regards,
> Michael
> On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 11:04 AM Serge Malo via USRP-users <
> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have made another test today, I want to report the results here.
>> *Issue #1*
>> I have modified the tx_timed_samples example, simply such that it
>> transmits on both channels of the X300.
>> Using a frequency of 1.57542GHz for both channels, I was able to measure
>> on a scope a time offset of 320ns between RF A and RF B.
>> Technically, Ettus R&D should be able to reproduce this offset easily.
>> *Issue #2:*
>> Yesterday, I wrote that "timed commands" seemed to be broken with UHD
>> RC1. Here are more details:
>> "timed samples" do work correctly with the UHD example tx_timed_samples.
>> However, "timed samples" do not work with the UHD example benchmark_rate.
>> You can reproduce the problem this way, on a X300, connected to an
>> Octoclock:
>> 1) Change the value of INIT_DELAY to 5.0s
>> 2) Recompile benchmark_rate, and try this command:
>> ./benchmark_rate --args addr= --tx_rate=25000000
>> --tx_cpu=sc16 --ref=external --pps=external --channels=0,1
>> You will see that the TX starts immediately, instead of at time 5.0s.
>> Please, let us know if you aware of those issues, and if you need help to
>> reproduce or investigate them.
>> Best regards,
>> Serge
>> On Thu, 8 Nov 2018 at 23:59, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <
>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>> On 11/08/2018 03:13 PM, Serge Malo via USRP-users wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Thanks for the extra comments Mark.
>>> Just to be clear: I'm not talking about phase offset between RF Outputs,
>>> but only time offset.
>>> (Once time offset is fixed, we will try to have phase-coherent RF
>>> outputs).
>>> I have made other measurements today, here are the results.
>>> I'm transmitting a signal at 1.57542GHz, and a second signal at
>>> 1.2276GHz.
>>> Sample Rate on N310: 25.6Msps (MCR of 153.6Mhz)
>>> Sample Rate on X300: 25.0Msps (MCR of 200Mhz)
>>> Using External Clock and External PPS from Octoclock
>>> 1) Using X300 (RF A and RF B) and UHD, we see les than 3ns time
>>> offset (See image here: link
>>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FBC3CHOhGO4xLdJU3LhjB0pTjexNpJik/view?usp=sharing>
>>> )
>>> 2) Using X300 (RF A and RF B) and UHD RC1, we see 7300us time
>>> offset (See image here: link
>>> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mV2XrUVz1PC4boi0BzUmxFcWo2b8zj3Y/view?usp=sharing>
>>> )
>>> 3) Using N310 (RF 0 and RF 2) and UHD RC1, we also see 7300us
>>> time offset.
>>> Important: the "timed commands" seem to be broken in UHD,
>>> either for X300 or N310.
>>> When we change the time_spec of the first "send" call, the time at which
>>> the samples are transmitted does not change. For example, I tried to set
>>> tie_spec to 10s, but the Tx starts right away. This was working correctly
>>> with UHD
>>> Let me know if you have ideas I could try.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Serge
>>> Serge:
>>> The fact that this affects both X310 and N310 is a bit disturbing--the
>>> device-side codebase is quite different on the two boxes.  I'm engaging
>>>   Ettus R&D internally to see if this can be reproduced.
>>> On Thu, 8 Nov 2018 at 14:44, Mark Wagner <m2wag...@eng.ucsd.edu> wrote:
>>>> Here's a google drive link with images of the phase drift between rx4
>>>> and tx 1&2, and tx 3&4
>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Bg6F0WHzzwVhpFBlrlfqJgpGg9JtTczH
>>>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 11:32 AM Mark Wagner <m2wag...@eng.ucsd.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> Maybe I could jump in and share some related results. My group has
>>>>> been developing a MIMO system with N310 units. We did a test sounding
>>>>> recently where we sent 4, length 4096, orthogonal multitone signals from
>>>>> the transmitters to the receivers and processed the data by finding the
>>>>> channel response between each transmitter and receiver pair (16 in total)
>>>>> and recording the magnitude and phase of the arrival spikes between each
>>>>> pair.
>>>>> We took several seconds of data and processed it in length 4096 chunks
>>>>> (around 1500 chunks in total) and looked at the phase difference between
>>>>> transmitter pairs as time progressed. Since transmitters 1 and 2 are
>>>>> sharing an LO and our setup was not moved during the sounding we expected
>>>>> to see a constant phase difference between transmitters 1 and 2 and a
>>>>> single receiver (same with tx 3 and 4), but we saw some drift. Worse yet,
>>>>> not all LO sharing pairs drifted in the same way, some didn't drift much 
>>>>> at
>>>>> all while some drifted in linear or non-linear patterns.
>>>>> If you're all fine with me breaking the rules I can attach some png
>>>>> images of what we recorded so you can see what it looks like. Later this
>>>>> week we'll repeat the experiment but leave the machines running longer to
>>>>> see if the drift diminishes as the machines run longer.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -Mark
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 9:03 AM Daniel Jepson via USRP-users <
>>>>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Serge,
>>>>>> Are you measuring the phase offset between the TX0 and TX2 signals in
>>>>>> a steady-state case, or the time difference in the start of those 
>>>>>> signals?
>>>>>> In the former case, your results could be impacted by the lack of
>>>>>> internal LO sharing between daughterboards. I would fully expect an 
>>>>>> unknown
>>>>>> phase offset between channels 0 and 2 every time you reconfigure the
>>>>>> device. In the latter case, it sounds like a start trigger mismatch like
>>>>>> Marcus mentioned.
>>>>>> Can you share more details as to how you're measuring the phase
>>>>>> offset?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -Daniel
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 5:30 AM Serge Malo via USRP-users <
>>>>>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes: we are using UHD RC1, with the latest file system
>>>>>>> image
>>>>>>> I can try to use lower tx start times to see if the time offset
>>>>>>> changes with that.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Serge
>>>>>>> On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 21:44, Marcus D. Leech <
>>>>>>> patchvonbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 11/07/2018 09:31 PM, Serge Malo wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yes:
>>>>>>>> We only use one streamer for all RF outputs, and send time_spec
>>>>>>>> with each call to the streamer's send method.
>>>>>>>> We reset the internal time with set_time_unkown_pps(0), and program
>>>>>>>> the first samples to be streamed at a time of 0.800s.
>>>>>>>> It is basically the same code we used on the X300/X310.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Serge
>>>>>>>> Well, that is quite strange--the magnitude of the time offsets is
>>>>>>>> larger than I would expect.
>>>>>>>> Perhaps someone from the N310 team can comment?
>>>>>>>> Serge, are you using the latest UHD and system image versions for
>>>>>>>> the N310?
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 21:03, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <
>>>>>>>> usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 11/07/2018 08:53 PM, Serge Malo via USRP-users wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> We are trying to send 4 synchronous signals from the 4 Tx ports of
>>>>>>>>> the N310.
>>>>>>>>> We are using UHD RC1 under Ubuntu.
>>>>>>>>> Central Freq = 1575.42 GHz and 1227.6 MHz
>>>>>>>>> Master Clock rate = 153.6 MHz
>>>>>>>>> We would expect to have less than 3ns offset between all TX ports
>>>>>>>>> of the N310, like we do with the X300/X310. However, we have measured
>>>>>>>>> 4700ns between TX RF ports 0 and port 2.
>>>>>>>>> We have tried the next things with no more success:
>>>>>>>>> - Sampling rates of 25.6MSps, 38.4Msps, 76.8Msps
>>>>>>>>> - Init with the device options "init_cals=ALL" and "force_reinit=1"
>>>>>>>>> - Use the internal GPSDO
>>>>>>>>> - Use clock_source=external and time_source=external (from an
>>>>>>>>> Octoclock).
>>>>>>>>> Can you tell us:
>>>>>>>>> -What time offset between TX RF ports we should expect to achieve?
>>>>>>>>> -Is there anything else we can try to reduce this offset to less
>>>>>>>>> than 3ns?
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Serge
>>>>>>>>> How are you setting up your TX streamer?   Is it time-tagged to
>>>>>>>>> start at a particular device time?
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Daniel Jepson
>>>>>> Digital Hardware Engineer
>>>>>> National Instruments
>>>>>> O: +1.512.683.6163
>>>>>> daniel.jep...@ni.com
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Mark Wagner
>>>>> University of California San Diego
>>>>> Electrical and Computer Engineering
>>>> --
>>>> Mark Wagner
>>>> University of California San Diego
>>>> Electrical and Computer Engineering
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