On 11/07/2018 09:31 PM, Serge Malo wrote:
We only use one streamer for all RF outputs, and send time_spec with each call to the streamer's send method. We reset the internal time with set_time_unkown_pps(0), and program the first samples to be streamed at a time of 0.800s.
It is basically the same code we used on the X300/X310.


Well, that is quite strange--the magnitude of the time offsets is larger than I would expect.

Perhaps someone from the N310 team can comment?

Serge, are you using the latest UHD and system image versions for the N310?

On Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 21:03, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:

    On 11/07/2018 08:53 PM, Serge Malo via USRP-users wrote:
    Hi all,

    We are trying to send 4 synchronous signals from the 4 Tx ports
    of the N310.
    We are using UHD RC1 under Ubuntu.
    Central Freq = 1575.42 GHz and 1227.6 MHz
    Master Clock rate = 153.6 MHz

    We would expect to have less than 3ns offset between all TX ports
    of the N310, like we do with the X300/X310. However, we have
    measured 4700ns between TX RF ports 0 and port 2.
    We have tried the next things with no more success:
    - Sampling rates of 25.6MSps, 38.4Msps, 76.8Msps
    - Init with the device options "init_cals=ALL" and "force_reinit=1"
    - Use the internal GPSDO
    - Use clock_source=external and time_source=external (from an

    Can you tell us:
    -What time offset between TX RF ports we should expect to achieve?
    -Is there anything else we can try to reduce this offset to less
    than 3ns?

    Best regards,

    How are you setting up your TX streamer?   Is it time-tagged to
    start at a particular device time?

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