On 12/14/2018 11:24 AM, Ian Buckley via USRP-users wrote:
N310 has a different ADI radio chip and since I did not work on the design I don’t want to give you misleading advice on that one. N210 is different, as it uses the standard Ettus interchangeable daughter board standard. Some daughterboards have features to fully phase align synthesizers after a retune, some not depending which chips they are based on. UBX for example can be fully phase aligned, but I don’t think WBX can. I don’t recall the full product matrix as to which daughter boards will fully align phase.

I confirm that the N310 can be made coherent, using 10Mhz REF and 1PPS, but with the usual phase-ambiguity proviso.

For N2xx, the SBX allows phase-resynch, and the WBX allows phase-resynch with a residual 0/180 phase ambiguity (again, 2XLO
  phase splitter).

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