N310 has a different ADI radio chip and since I did not work on the design I 
don’t want to give you misleading advice on that one.
N210 is different, as it uses the standard Ettus interchangeable daughter board 
standard. Some daughterboards have features to fully phase align synthesizers 
after a retune, some not depending which chips they are based on. UBX for 
example can be fully phase aligned, but I don’t think WBX can. 
I don’t recall the full product matrix as to which daughter boards will fully 
align phase.

> On Dec 14, 2018, at 3:53 AM, Pablo González Fernández 
> <pgonza...@gradiant.org> wrote:
> Thanks Ian. Am I correct to assume that this is not the case for N210? What 
> about for the N310? I am not so sure in this case, as it uses an AD chip as 
> the B210.  
> Regards
> El mié., 12 dic. 2018 a las 15:26, Ian Buckley (<i...@ionconcepts.com 
> <mailto:i...@ionconcepts.com>>) escribió:
> Brais, 
> Sam sent you a little bit the wrong direction there, the B200mini has the PLL 
> phase noise issue that precludes use in a MIMO system.
> The B210 can be fully time and frequency locked to an external 10MHz 
> reference and PPS.
> What is slightly tricky about using multiple B210’s in a MIMO configuration 
> is that the internal frequency synthesizers will have a residual phase 
> ambiguity after they have been configured, and this must be characterized and 
> compensated for after any retune.
> Watch this to gain insight into the issues involved: 
> https://www.analog.com/en/education/education-library/webcasts/developing-multiple-input-multiple-output.html
> <https://www.analog.com/en/education/education-library/webcasts/developing-multiple-input-multiple-output.html>
> -Ian
>> On Dec 12, 2018, at 2:30 AM, Brais Ares via USRP-users 
>> <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
>> Thanks Sam! If I understand correctly the link that you refer to, it is 
>> possible to obtain time and phase synchronization with B210s, so the only 
>> issue would be to compensate phase offset which could be done by software. 
>> Could you elaborate a little bit more? I'm probably missunderstading the 
>> thread you link, but from it I take that MIMO implementations are possible 
>> with B210. Also, can you provide any link for the difference between B210 
>> and N210 that allows to use the later but not the former?
>> Regards,
>> Brais.
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