How does your testbench work? Do you add the radio core block, send timed
commands to it, and see the outputs toggle?

On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 1:05 PM Samuel Prager <> wrote:

> Hi Jonathon,
> Thanks for the response! Yes I’m using ce_clk and ce_rst. Thanks for
> sharing your code — the only real difference I see is that you increment
> the seq_num. I am leaving it as 12’b0 — could this be causing an issue?
> I should also say that In my case, the command packets are being sent to
> the radio block to trigger timed receive commands in order to reduce the
> number of software sr_writes.
> Here’s my code just in case:
> This is something that was simulated/verified and worked in the past, but
> perhaps a change has been made that prevents this from working?
> I will try a release tag as soon as possible — however this is something
> I’ve been seeing for a couple of months now that has kept me on pre-2017.4
> releases.
> Sam
> On Oct 19, 2018, 8:17 PM -0700, Jon Pendlum <>,
> wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> I am using command packets to tune the DDC block's DSP frequency. Are you
> using ce_clk and ce_rst for clock and reset? Here is my code if you want to
> take a look:
> <>.
> Also, it might be worth trying your code on a release tag like v3.13.0.2 in
> case master has a regression.
> Jonathon
> On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 8:11 AM Samuel Prager via USRP-users <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have an RFNoC block that generates command packets to write settings
>> registers of the downstream connected block using the Control Source
>> (cmdout_tdata) of the noc_shell . Previously this had worked perfectly
>> (prior to approximately d6b2283 on rfnoc-devel), for both the X300 and
>> E310, but this functionality appears to perhaps be broken in the more
>> recent FPGA releases — since around the switch to Vivado 2017.4 and the
>> move of the noc block clock domain crossing to axi_wrapper.v). I have tried
>> the latest master branch (4f25ed1) with no success.
>> Is this a known issue? Can anyone shed light on what might have caused
>> this?
>> The control packets are generated in my block as follows:
>> *wire eob = 1’b0;*
>> *wire [1:0] pkt_type = 2'b10;*
>> *wire [11:0] seqnum = 12'd0; // don't care*
>> *wire [15:0] payload_length = 16'd16; //don't care (payload length in
>> bytes)*
>> *assign cmd_tdata = {24’d0,set_bus_addr[7:0], set_bus_val[31:0]};*
>> *cvita_hdr_encoder cvita_hdr_encoder(*
>> *.pkt_type(pkt_type),.eob(eob), .has_time(1'b0),*
>> *.seqnum(seqnum),*
>> *.payload_length(payload_length),*
>> *.src_sid(src_sid), .dst_sid(dst_sid),*
>> *.vita_time(vita_time),*
>> *.header(cmd_tuser)*
>> *);*
>> *chdr_framer #(.SIZE(FIFO_SIZE), .WIDTH(64)) chdr_framer (*
>> *.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .clear(clear),*
>> *.i_tdata(cmd_tdata), .i_tuser(cmd_tuser), .i_tlast(cmd_tlast),
>> .i_tvalid(cmd_tvalid), .i_tready(cmd_tready),*
>> *.o_tdata(cmdout_tdata), .o_tlast(cmdout_tlast),
>> .o_tvalid(cmdout_tvalid), .o_tready(cmdout_tready));*
>> The command packets appear to never reach the destination rfnoc block,
>> but I am at a loss for the cause.
>> Is anyone currently using the control source functionality of the
>> noc_shell? I would really appreciate any pointers on how to fix this.
>> Thank you,
>> Sam
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