I am from Ghent university and currently, we are using USRP X310. We would like to operate it in TDD mode for our specific application. Since our application is very sensitive to latency and the Switching time (Tx to Rx or vice versa) of USRP X310 RF front-end in TDD operation can be foreseen a major addition in overall latency, Can I learn the following values: * ?Tx to Rx switching time (in us) of USRP X310 RF front-end, * R?x to Tx switching time of (in us) USRP X310 RF front-end?. Furthermore, could you please tell the procedure or example that can be used to measure these switching times? Kind regards -- Muhammad Aslam PhD student at IDLab Ghent University - imec iGent Tower - Department of Information Technology Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 15, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium W:
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