Quadrature output for A:AB is correct, but it's not switching real and imag for 
A:BA.  I'm going to start a new thread on this.  Noticed this a while back, but 
figured I'd wait until the major bug was fixed.


On May 11, 2018, at 09:43 PM, switchlanez <switchla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, I did:
git clone --recursive -b rfnoc-devel https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd.git

and the "what():  map::at" error is reproduced when I use that branch. So then 
I checked out the uhd maint head like you but can't build it properly. What branch of 
gr-ettus are you using? Did you install it after installing the uhd maint head?

Note: I ran into similar gr-ettus build issues when I checked out the uhd maint 
branch commit Michael mentioned earlier. My workaround for that was to instead 
the uhd rfnoc-devel branch head then modify the radio_ctrl_impl.hpp and 
radio_ctrl_impl.cpp files to match what was checked into uhd maint branch 
(commit 8922095). So I never actually got uhd maint branch to build with with 
gr-ettus master branch.

On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 7:21 PM, Louis Brown <rfeng...@me.com> wrote:

Did you “git clone — recursive” then switch to the rfnoc branch?  I’m not using 
the rfnoc branch; just the normal maintenance branch, but last time I messed 
with it, you had to do that.

On May 11, 2018, at 21:16, switchlanez <switchla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Wow good to know, Lou.

I checked out the head of the uhd maint branch (commit 34c5610) and installed it (set 
"ENABLE_RFNOC" to "ON" in CMakeLists.txt). Now when I install the head of 
gr-ettus master branch (commit 4ef12d) I get an error:

fatal error: uhd/rfnoc/fir_block_ctrl.hpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-ettus.dir/build.make:120: recipe for target 
'lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-ettus.dir/rfnoc_fir_cci_impl.cc.o' failed
make[2]: *** [lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-ettus.dir/rfnoc_fir_cci_impl.cc.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
[ 46%] Built target ettus_swig_swig_2d0df
Scanning dependencies of target pygen_swig_5fc0a
[ 48%] Generating ettus_swig.pyo
[ 51%] Generating ettus_swig.pyc
[ 53%] Built target pygen_swig_5fc0a
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:139: recipe for target 
'lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-ettus.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-ettus.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

I am probably building it wrong. Does anybody know the correct way?


On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 5:48 PM, Louis Brown <rfeng...@me.com> wrote:

Tried the X310 today on the maintenance branch, and the TX light illuminates, 
but did not check for proper quadrature output.  Will check it tomorrow.  Was 
able to do 100 Msps full duplex.


On May 11, 2018, at 19:18, switchlanez <switchla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks, Michael.

So with the fix you referenced RFNoC: Radio now works in Rx mode but does not seem to work work in 
Tx mode regardless of what's connected to its input (I've tried GNU Radio's in-tree Signal Source 
then Null Source blocks separately). The  "what():  map::at" error is resolved so there 
is no error message but the "TX/RX" indicator light on the X310 front panel fails to 
light up. Has that been fixed or is a fix in progress?

On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 9:12 AM, Michael West <michael.w...@ettus.com> wrote:

Hi Andrew,

First, maint was just updated with the fix for the LFTX and LFRX boards on X3x0.

Second, yes, you can install multiple installations of UHD by setting the 
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX different for each installation.  You will have to set the 
PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables appropriately to switch between 



On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 11:43 AM, switchlanez <switchla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Michael. Do you know if I were to install rfnoc under a different prefix 
would the UHD version be able to be switched between the prefixes? I'm using an 
older rfnoc build compatible with Vivado 2015.4 and hesitant to install the 
latest build and checkout that new fix if it it will overwrite the older UHD 

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 11:25 AM, Michael West <michael.w...@ettus.com> wrote:

Hi Andrew,

The fix is on the master branch (commit 8922095).  It is being included in the 
next set of commits on the maint branch that should be available in the next 
few days.



On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 1:13 PM, switchlanez <switchla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Michael,

I see new commits have been entered in the uhd maint branch in the last couple 
days. Were any related to this issue?


On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 11:12 AM, Michael West <michael.w...@ettus.com> wrote:

Hi Louis/Andrew,

The root cause of the issue has been identified and a fix is in progress.  We 
should have the fix available on the head of the maint branch very soon.  Thank 
you for bringing it to our attention!



On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 8:54 AM, switchlanez via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

I have an issue that may be related. Using LFTX and LFRX boards in an X310, 
anytime I use the RFNoC Radio block in Rx mode the run terminates with:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  map::at

Following for updates.


On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 9:54 AM, Neel Pandeya via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

Hello Louis:

Thanks for the detailed feedback. We have reproduced this issue, and are 
debugging it now. We will get back to you and post an update shortly.

--​Neel Pandeya

On 12 April 2018 at 18:46, Louis Brown via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

Could it be something to do with this commit for address offsets?



On Apr 12, 2018, at 16:38, Louis Brown <rfeng...@me.com> wrote:

Did something change with respect to daughter board addressing in UHD 3.11?

I have an X310 with LFTX and LFRX  in motherboard slot A.

When I run benchmark_rate it core dumps as follows:


[/usr/local/lib64/uhd/examples]$ ./benchmark_rate --args "addr=" 

[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 7.3.1 20180303 (Red Hat 7.3.1-5); 
Boost_106400; UHD_3.11.0.1-0-unknown
[00:00:00.000006] Creating the usrp device with: addr=
[INFO] [X300] X300 initialization sequence...
[INFO] [X300] Determining maximum frame size...
[INFO] [X300] Maximum frame size: 8000 bytes.
[INFO] [X300] Setup basic communication...
[INFO] [X300] Loading values from EEPROM...
[INFO] [X300] Setup RF frontend clocking...
[INFO] [X300] Radio 1x clock:200
[INFO] [RFNOC DMA FIFO] Running BIST for FIFO 0...
[INFO] [RFNOC DMA FIFO] BIST passed (Throughput: 1299 MB/s)
[INFO] [RFNOC DMA FIFO] Running BIST for FIFO 1...
[INFO] [RFNOC DMA FIFO] BIST passed (Throughput: 1302 MB/s)
[WARNING] [RFNOC] [0/Radio_0] defines 2 input buffer sizes, but 1 input ports
[INFO] [RFNOC RADIO] Register loopback test passed
[INFO] [RFNOC RADIO] Register loopback test passed
[WARNING] [RFNOC] [0/Radio_1] defines 2 input buffer sizes, but 1 input ports
[INFO] [RFNOC RADIO] Register loopback test passed
[INFO] [RFNOC RADIO] Register loopback test passed
[INFO] [CORES] Performing timer loopback test...
[INFO] [CORES] Timer loopback test passed
[INFO] [CORES] Performing timer loopback test...
[INFO] [CORES] Timer loopback test passed
Using Device: Single USRP:
Device: X-Series Device
Mboard 0: X310
RX Channel: 0
RX Dboard: A
RX Subdev: LFRX (AB)
RX Channel: 1
RX Dboard: B
RX Subdev: Unknown (0xffff) - 0
TX Channel: 0
TX Dboard: A
TX Subdev: LFTX (AB)
TX Channel: 1
TX Dboard: B
TX Subdev: Unknown (0xffff) - 0

[00:00:02.623786] Setting device timestamp to 0...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): map::at
Aborted (core dumped)


If I specify tx_channels "1" it runs, lighting up the slot B TX/RX LED, or 
course I have no boards installed there. 


[/usr/local/lib64/uhd/examples]$ ./benchmark_rate --args "addr=" 
--tx_rate=100E6 --tx_channels "1"

If I specify tx_channels "0" it core dumps with the same std::out_of_range

Flow graphs that ran in UHD 3.10 with sub-device "A:AB" no longer run:

[INFO] [CORES] Timer loopback test passed
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): map::at

If I try benchmark_rate with another X310 with the UBX card in slot A, things 
work fine.  So maybe it's specific to the use of LF cards with UHD 3.11.


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