Dear all, 


I’m having a problem synchronizing two USRP-B205 mini. 


The setup is as follows: I use one USRP as a transmitter, the other as a
receiver, and they are connected by cable. The “ref” input of both USRPs is
connected to a 10MHz output (also tried with PPS output) of an Octoclock. In
GNURadio, the “Clock source” (“Time source” when using PPS) is set to


I then transmit a signal with one USRP (constant source, real sine source,
BPSK sequence) with one USRP and receive it with the other USRP. The
received signal is rotating in the IQ-plane, as if there were some LO
frequency offset remaining. 


In principle, if both USRPs are connected to the same reference, there
should be no frequency offset. Any ideas where this is coming from? 






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