Hi all, After discussion on IRC and few questions (by Brian Padalino and Marcus D. Leech), that made me not so sure about how I made the measurement, I found the reason for frequency offset.
It wasn't fault of USRP B210 or broken cable providing 10MHz reference signal. The issue was a bit more complex: -two B210s were not time synchronized, -signal generator wasn't producing ideal sine wave but with slightly drifting frequency (connecting the generator's Ref input to Octoclock didn't help in case of that particular generato, which was FLUKE 6061A). If at two points in time frequency of the generated signal is different, then by looking at the phase difference between two USRPs, that are time shifted with respect to each other, the effects of that frequency difference will be observed. I made the following experiment to show that it was generator's fault: -phase difference between inputs of two USRPs was constantly measured, -first I connected FLUKE 6061A signal generator to USRPs (through splitter), -then I've disconnected the splitter from that generator and connected another one(Agilent N5182A), -both generators' Ref inputs were connected to Octoclock-G. The effect can be seen on the attached image. For FLUKE 6061A you can observe frequency offset while for Agilent N5182A in the measured period no frequency offset effect can be observed. So the conclusion is to synchronize USRPs B210 in time and to not trust our FLUKE 6061A signal generator as a laboratory equipment. Best Regards, Piotr Krysik
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