KenI'm using vmware. Not sure if you used the same client but how exactly did 
you configure your vm to bridged. Also, I used the command to set an alias ip 
to which is in the same subnet as the N210, not sure if thats 
different from the manual approach you're suggesting.

    On Friday, October 6, 2017 10:32 PM, Ken M Erney <> 

 What are you using as the VM software client (e.g. VMware, virtual box, etc.). 
I was able to get mine to work but I had to configure my VM eth as "bridged". I 
also set it with a manually configured ip in the same subnet as the N210.
- ken
On Oct 6, 2017 10:23 PM, "Tellrell White via USRP-users" 
<> wrote:

Hello Guys. 
I'm currently trying to connect to the N210 using an ubuntu 14.04 virtual 
machine. I've tried the commands uhd_find_devices and also uhd_usrp_probe and 
they both indicate "no devices found". Pinging 192.168.2 comes up empty as 
well. I used the command sudo ip address add dev 
eth0 to set the ip of the virtual machine. I'm connected to the internet via 
wi-fi. The version of UHD i'm using is 3.10.2. Any help is greatly appreciated. 


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