Given that it is a released feature that might be adopted by some users, 
deprecating it before removing is a fair decision, let me mark it deprecated in 
0.12 and remove it in the next version.

Cheng Pan

> 2024年8月25日 17:01,Jongyoul Lee <> 写道:
> Hello,
> I think we can decide to deprecate this feature.
> @Cheng,
> Could you please lead to handle this issue?
> Best regards,
> JL
> 2024년 7월 26일 (금) 오전 11:46, Cheng Pan <>님이 작성:
>> Thanks for information, let me extend this thread to user listing as well to 
>> see if there are users using it.
>> Thanks,
>> Cheng Pan
>>> On Jul 24, 2024, at 11:41, Jongyoul Lee <> wrote:
>>> Hello Cheng,
>>> Thank you for starting this discussion.
>>> For history, we already discussed before but there was a user to use
>>> this feature. Thus we couldn't retire this feature at that time. (It's
>>> been several years ago.)
>>> Lack of resources to maintain this feature, so it'd be better to find
>>> another way to provide a multi-instance feature instead it.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jongyoul
>>> 2024년 7월 24일 (수) 오후 12:28, Cheng Pan <>님이 작성:
>>>> Hi Zeppelin users and developers,
>>>> I'd like to discuss the future of ZEPPELIN-3471 - raft-based zeppelin
>>>> cluster feature.
>>>> It was proposed in 2018 and the initial version shipped in Zeppelin
>>>> v0.9.0, but unfortunately, the feature was not completed and was not
>>>> maintained after the first delivered version. Additionally, there are
>>>> a few reports(ZEPPELIN-5245, ZEPPELIN-5246) from the user that the
>>>> feature does not work properly.
>>>> From the developer perspective, I found the selected raft
>>>> implementation library was dead[2], and some users also left concerns
>>>> about the CVEs involved in this library (see ZEPPELIN-5630). And the
>>>> introduced dependencies significantly increased the packaging time of
>>>> the zeppelin-interpreter-shaded module.
>>>> Given the tight developer resource of the Zeppelin community, I think
>>>> we can consider removing this feature if no volunteer is willing to
>>>> continue to maintain it.
>>>> Please let me know your thoughts, thanks in advance.
>>>> [1]
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Cheng Pan
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jongyoul Lee
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Jongyoul Lee

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