I haven’t yet contributed to the project but I should be able to figure that out. I’ll get educated on the process and see if I can make it happen. Thanks!
From: Jan Høydahl <jan....@cominvent.com> Reply-To: "users@solr.apache.org" <users@solr.apache.org> Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 4:22 PM To: "users@solr.apache.org" <users@solr.apache.org> Subject: Re: Does lack of documentation indicate lack of support or just lack of documentation? Never heard of such intent, likely a miss? Would you be willing to produce a Pull Request for bringing the content back? Jan Høydahl > On 13 Nov 2024, at 22: 03, Christine Feldmann <cfeldmann@ proofpoint. com. invalid> wrote: > > Never heard of such intent, likely a miss? Would you be willing to produce a Pull Request for bringing the content back? Jan Høydahl > On 13 Nov 2024, at 22:03, Christine Feldmann > <cfeldm...@proofpoint.com.invalid> wrote: > > Looking for opinions here from those of you that know Solr best… > > A change was pushed to do a major revision of the Streaming Expressions guide > almost 4 years ago in version 8.8: > SOLR-13105<https://urldefense.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apache.org_jira_browse_SOLR-2D13105&d=DwIFaQ&c=Vxt5e0Osvvt2gflwSlsJ5DmPGcPvTRKLJyp031rXjhg&r=Z5eBKEaiuUFNG8HpjSz8IMDVdE51EhIEeAVWCJN74gY&m=SO3LQE6JmrHvOEeReChQNGw6Wr-qxiC6a0g-DZjNQc_dQi6bcMN1mBa8Y-RukmAd&s=wevHDVx3HmSX0XVNlxdqDZ14vY_Xnlp5kOtE2lQBv28&e=> > A visual guide to Solr Math Expressions and Streaming Expressions > > In this change, the following section was removed: > > “Adding Custom Expressions > Creating your own custom expressions can be easily done by implementing the > Expressible<https://urldefense.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__lucene.apache.org_solr_8-5F5-5F0_solr-2Dsolrj_org_apache_solr_client_solrj_io_stream_expr_Expressible.html&d=DwIFaQ&c=Vxt5e0Osvvt2gflwSlsJ5DmPGcPvTRKLJyp031rXjhg&r=Z5eBKEaiuUFNG8HpjSz8IMDVdE51EhIEeAVWCJN74gY&m=SO3LQE6JmrHvOEeReChQNGw6Wr-qxiC6a0g-DZjNQc_dQi6bcMN1mBa8Y-RukmAd&s=X7MJTUSRrRYq0r18cEYkDMfZo-D_QXXClnhoU0XZqkA&e=> > interface. To add a custom expression to the list of known mappings for the > /stream and /graph handlers, you just need to declare it as a plugin in > solrconfig.xml via: > <expressible name="custom" class="org.example.CustomStreamingExpression"/>” > > There was no mention of deprecating the feature or removing this section. > Given the massive size of the diff, I wonder if it was an inadvertent removal. > > The feature works. There’s no deprecation of this feature mentioned in any > of the Solr docs since it was removed from the guide without explanation. > The code itself is not deprecated. > > The Config API doc still includes > add-expressible/update-expressible/delete-expressible > > There is concern in my organization that this feature could be removed at any > time without warning because it didn’t make it into the revision of the guide. > > Can anyone provide an opinion on how likely that is to happen? > > If any of the authors of the guide update are reading, can you comment on why > that section was removed? > > Thanks in advance, > Christine >