Looking for opinions here from those of you that know Solr best…

A change was pushed to do a major revision of the Streaming Expressions guide 
almost 4 years ago in version 8.8: 
SOLR-13105<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-13105> A visual guide to 
Solr Math Expressions and Streaming Expressions

In this change, the following section was removed:

“Adding Custom Expressions
Creating your own custom expressions can be easily done by implementing the 
 interface. To add a custom expression to the list of known mappings for the 
/stream and /graph handlers, you just need to declare it as a plugin in 
solrconfig.xml via:
<expressible name="custom" class="org.example.CustomStreamingExpression"/>”

There was no mention of deprecating the feature or removing this section.  
Given the massive size of the diff, I wonder if it was an inadvertent removal.

The feature works.  There’s no deprecation of this feature mentioned in any of 
the Solr docs since it was removed from the guide without explanation.  The 
code itself is not deprecated.

The Config API doc still includes 

There is concern in my organization that this feature could be removed at any 
time without warning because it didn’t make it into the revision of the guide.

Can anyone provide an opinion on how likely that is to happen?

If any of the authors of the guide update are reading, can you comment on why 
that section was removed?

Thanks in advance,

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