On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Martin Groenescheij <
mar...@groenescheij.com> wrote:
> On 21-Oct-15 02:31, Marie wrote:
>> Thank you for your speedy reply.  HP told me that everything will be
>> removed from my computer & it'll be as if I just purchased it & I'd have to
>> reinstall any software I had before.
>> So if I understand you correctly, any documents that I've created in OO
>> should be stored in the Notebooks HD -    And all I have to do is back up
>> the entire Open Office.  Correct?  I found it in my computer.
Marie, not certain if you have the information you need.
- "...back up the entire Open Office...I found it on my computer"

I'm not certain from your description what you've found. If you've found
the location the OpenOffice program has been installed that *is not* what
you need to back up!!

The letters, spreadsheets, and presentations (the documents) you created
with the OpenOffice program are what you need to back up.

If you have not changed the default (the preset) location documents are
saved then all your documents will be in your "My Documents" folder.

If you are uncertain the specific location of your documents do the
1. Open one of your documents
2. From the menu select File then Properties
3. On the window that opens look for Location and note the location.
3.1. Location will most likely be in the form C:\Users\Marie\Documents...

Once you've identified the location
1. Click the Windows Start menu
2. Click My Computer
If the location is similar to 3.1 above
3. Click My Documents in the left side of the My Computer window
4. Copy all the files in the My Documents folder to a thumb drive or other

If you're uncertain about any of this please seek help. It is not
OpenOffice that needs to be backed up. It is the files that have been
created with it that you need to save.

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