On 2015-06-26, 4:22 PM Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2015-06-26 23:11 GMT+02:00 Jim McLaughlin <jjim.mclaugh...@gmail.com>:


So that makes it kind  of useless in a world of OO 4.1.1.

Typical of the OO community.

Well, I guess it's like everything else. Too few people seems to want the
reveal codes functionality, or at least none of them are developers. Why
would the community create something that they don't want when there are
tons of bugs (just like with any other software project of this size) to

If you want reveal codes use WordPerfect. If you want styles (much superior in my opinion) use OpenOffice.

I found trying to use reveal codes was much more time consuming than using 

To use reveal codes like in WordPerfect, the developers would have to completely redesign OpenOffice.

This issue has been discussed many times over the years and the reasons OpenOffice doesn't use reveal codes explained fully.


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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