Send me an email off list with the title

"Please Send me RevealCodes2.odt"

And I will send you a couple of different versions.

Two versions were created, and off hand I don't remember the difference between the versions. I did a test run and I added some fixes since they were broken, at least when I tested them in LO (latest version on Linux). So, I fixed both of them. It seems that you can click on the tags, but I did not take the time to figure out what was going on. I did not perform significant testing, so I don't know what I missed as far as bugs. I did not write the code and I find the show formatting tags usually useless.

I will send both the 2 and 3 versions to you if you ask. If I do not respond, ask me again, and if I still do not respond, post to the list. I receive literally hundreds of email a day and so sometimes things are lost.

On 06/26/2015 10:10 PM, Julian Thomas wrote:
On Jun 26, 2015, at 16:12, toki <> wrote:

I totally agree - Reveal Codes was a superb and valuable feature that SHOULD 
have been incorporated into OO.
Did you ever use the Reveal Codes macro/extension for
This must be a well-kept secret! Can you provide a specific link?  If I click 
on your link and search on reveal codes, google suggests wordperfect.

jt -

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human 
history--with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. - Mitch Ratliffe

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