There are OpenOffice courses in youtube, I suggest you take one, also
a book might help. I recomend Silje's books.

On 11/4/14, Christine Casey <> wrote:
> Thank you very much for trying to help me, I really do appreciate it very
> much.  Unfortunately I think I’m the type that needs a phone call and
> someone to just walk me thru all this because I’m just completely unfamiliar
> with anything past writing an email or going on a simple site like YouTube
> or something.  I don’t know what it means when you say “make a new Writer
> file ((/File/New/Writer file)."  I just need someone to be on the phone with
> me and tell me exactly what to go to on my screen, what to click…you know,
> like that, step-by-step.
> I took back the Windows 8.1 Laptop that I had bought because it was just
> frustrating me beyond belief.  I am now just back on my Mac.  I tried to
> download the Apache OpenOffice but the Mac won’t open it so I guess I”m out
> of luck anyway that I turn.  I really hope that I never have to get another
> Windows computer again but in case I ever do and need help with your Apache
> OpenOffice is there a phone number that I can call for someone to walk me
> thru it?  I know it’s a lot to ask but that is really the type of help that
> I need.
> Sincerely,
> Christine Casey
> On Nov 4, 2014, at 1:02 PM, Rory O'Farrell <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:04:33 -0600
>> Christine Casey <> wrote:
>>> I am using Apache OpenOffice for the first time.  Please help me with
>>> this!  A window opens up that says:
>>> “The document you are about to export has one or more protected items
>>> with password that cannot be exported.  Please retype your password to be
>>> able to export your document.”  So my question is this:  What password???
>>>  And it does me no good to select “Remove password from this protected
>>> item” because it just keeps sending me back to the page saying to retype
>>> my password.  So what password are they talking about?  Is it a password
>>> from Apace OpenOffice or who?  I am very confused.
>>> Please just write me back a specific email and don’t send me to “forum
>>> land”.  I am NOT a computer savvy person at all and the more places you
>>> send me, the more confused I get.  Please just email back to me here.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Christine Casey
>> A quick test: make a new Writer file (/File /New /Writer file).  In it
>> type dt, then press F3 key to get dummy test in the file.  Now /File /Save
>> As; put Test into the File name box, Select "ODF Text document (.odt)" in
>> the file type box (may have to scroll up or down using the arrow keys to
>> select this). Make sure "Automatic file name extension" checkbox is
>> checked.  Now /File /Close.  Can you do all the above and reload this
>> file?  If so, OO is working correctly and the problem lies in your other
>> file, which we can then consider.
>> --
>> Rory O'Farrell <>

Alexandro Colorado
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