FYI, Patrick has submitted many code changes to OpenOffice (not AOO, though, to 
my knowledge). Few if any were actually implemented. Don't know why. Patrick 
isn't stingy, and you can download the source code and make your own changes 
and submit them wherever you like. I think he'd welcome new developers; on a 
few occasions before he went to the $100/yr fee he fairly begged for them. 
"Parasites" is a little too extreme when referring to NeoOffice. 

I've noticed a lot of posts on here that follow the theme of "Help! I 
downloaded OpenOffice and it won't start on my Linux/Windows box. What do I 
need to do?" Much of the time, they've downloaded from one of those parasites 
you mentioned, and have got a load of adware, spyware, or outright malware in 
the bargain--along with an outdated version of AOO. That isn't Apache's fault. 

The nice thing about Neo is that you get it only by d/l from Patrick or a 
couple of mirrors, or from the App Store. Therefore, uncorrupted. It also uses 
the Mac's native display system, so the fonts look cooler and the interface is 
what Mac users expect. AOO's is pretty clean, but Neo looks and behaves better, 

As far as support is concerned, see the prior posts. It's available. Patrick 
doesn't deal with HowTo's any more; he's been busy keeping up with Apple's OS 
changes. One cool result is that the latest version of Neo runs completely 
native--no Java or JRE required. 


> On Oct 25, 2014, at 4:36 AM, Larry Gusaas <> wrote:
> On 2014-10-25, 12:06 AM mt wrote:
>> On 24/10/14 at 9:23 PM, (James Plante) wrote:
>>> Nope, you're still correct. That's for TECH support, though. You can still 
>>> get help with "How do I" problems from forums like this one, since AOO and 
>>> Neo operate pretty much identically. There's also NeoWiki, and of course 
>>> Google.
>> ...
>> Apparently we were both wrong -just found NeoOffice new support policy at 
>> <>
>> So basically, NeoOffice is the same as AOO and uses the same free, 
>> user-based support network.
>> In the past, when NeoOffice was the only Mac alternative to AOO, there was 
>> no option but it. But now, with AOO already being available for Macs... why 
>> use NeoOffice at all?
>> Don't know, but I have a feeling it might also be on the way out altogether.
> They are a bunch of parasites. They charge for their product but don't 
> provide support.
> They use AOO code but do not contribute their code back to the project.
> The developer was fired by Sun (then owner of OpenOffice) and then quit 
> working on the Mac porting project.
> I have been using OpenOffice on Macs since I bought my first Mac in 2007.
> -- 
> _________________________________
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website:
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." 
> - Edgard Varese
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