> On 04/13/15 04:13, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> You mean like it never crashes for me on F21 but it crashes for you on
>> F14? That kind of evidence?
> FWIW, I can't even get it to crash on F14.
> Just installed F14 from the original DVD, downloaded the latest version of
> firefox from mozilla, did an "rpm -e firefox" to get rid of the Fedora
> supplied version and installed the downloaded version to /usr/local/bin.
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2H9v1dYNcvpbE9IUUNic2tPUHc/view?usp=sharing

  Wow, thanks Ed for trying that. Just a thought, but maybe this crashing
issue is related to what graphics adapter is being used. I have a Radeon
HD 5700 Series which takes up 2 slots to run both of my 23" monitors. If
this is the case I may have to cut the Mozilla guys some slack, I have
debugged these before and they can be a real bitch.

  I am also running a custom kernel (Linux big4 #1 SMP Fri Apr 22
23:26:38 CDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux) mainly because the
stock one has a problem with timers once the machine gets to 200 days
uptime. The only thing I changed was the processor type. Other than that
our systems should be pretty close.

Jim Lewis

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