On 04/12/2015 05:14 PM, Fred Smith wrote:

> Since the OP is running the Firefox downloaded from mozilla.org (as
> am I) he's asking about how to disable the auto updates Mozilla.org
> provides.

oops. my chemo brain over looked that fact. ;-)

> I don't KNOW, but I remember digging into the "channel" mechanism a
> few years ago, and vaguely recall there being a file or a setting
> (somewhere) that you can use to control that.

at one time, it was in the prefs.

> Possibly checking the mozilla knowledge base, or user fora would
> turn up something.

iirc, there was a lot of moan an groan about devs having removed
disabling of auto update.

overall consensus was that because users were not eager to update to
'latest and greatest' and new bugs, devs removed ability to not auto

another suggestion would be a little involved, but doable.

backup firefox, open wireshark or similar network analyzer, manually.



after update runs, open analyzer to see what url is used for update.

block update url in firewall.

restore firefox backup.



peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

CentOS GNU/Linux 6.6



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