On 10/25/14 07:31, Stephen Morris wrote:
> DigiKam now seems be displaying the files on the camera now as well, whereas 
> yesterday it couldn't either, although digiKam doesn't understand the raw 
> format files that I am taking with the camera. I could use jpeg images but 
> that is not as good for image manipulation and corrections as raw is.

You may be bumping up against an issue with DigiKam and image previews.

I have this issue with a Cannon.  When I hook up the camera a "preview" window 
pops up the photos taken in RAW format do not display in the preview.  However, 
once they are downloaded and placed in the library they display and can be 
worked with just fine.  This is with LibRaw-0.15.4-1.fc20 installed.

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