On 25.10.2014 01:31, Stephen Morris wrote:
> On 10/25/2014 01:09 AM, poma wrote:
>> On 24.10.2014 07:50, Stephen Morris wrote:
>>> I have plugged a digital camera into my usb port and mounted it using
>>> the popup displayed from the auto detect via konqueror (this annoys me
>>> as well). When konqueror is launched it displays the contents via
>>> Camera:/ which is okay, but subsequently I can't find any entries under
>>> /run that represent the camera. I assumed there would be a mount point
>>> under /run like there is for a usb flash disk. Given that there appears
>>> to not be a mount point under /run, where is it mounted in Fedora 20, so
>>> that I can point dolphin (which is what should be launched from the
>>> 'Open with File Manager' prompt, not Konqueror) at the mount point
>>> rather than having to manually type Camera:/ into the address bar.
>> ptp != usb_storage
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picture_Transfer_Protocol
>> http://www.gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/
>> modinfo -d usb_storage
>> USB Mass Storage driver for Linux
>> https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/drivers/usb/storage/Kconfig
>> poma
> Thankyou for the links. I looked at those links which gave me a lot more 
> information that I didn't know about. Unfortunately the documentation on 
> libphoto2 seems to potentially be self conflicting. The list of cameras 
> that libphoto2 supports seems to have my Nikon D3100 listed, but the 
> list of cameras and how they are supported under Unix does not appear to 
> list my camera.
> Following Cameron's email I checked the mount list which seems to 
> indicate there is no mount point, which also coincides with the 
> available device interface in the system tray not being able to unmount 
> the camera before disconnection.
> Also now that I have changed to application preference order in the 
> properties of the folder displayed by dolphin, whenever I select 'Open 
> with File Manager' at device detection time the process correctly 
> launched dolphin to display the contents, whereas yesterday when 
> konqueror was the default application, manually pointing dolphin at 
> Camera:/ would not display the contents of the camera because dolphin 
> was trying to treat the camera as a usb device and couldn't acquire the 
> usb. The only issue with dolphin is it doesn't display the folder name 
> where the images are stored on the camera as the same name that the 
> camera says it is, dolphin seems to be putting its own prefix on the 
> folder name.
> Also dolphin seems to be starting at a higher point in the directory 
> tree for its displays than where Windows starts.
> DigiKam now seems be displaying the files on the camera now as well, 
> whereas yesterday it couldn't either, although digiKam doesn't 
> understand the raw format files that I am taking with the camera. I 
> could use jpeg images but that is not as good for image manipulation and 
> corrections as raw is. I can process these files using the raw interface 
> to Photoshop Elements and Elements itself, albeit under windows, so not 
> being able to access these under Linux is not that big a deal to me, 
> other than the fact that I have to use Windows.
> regards,
> Steve

Does the Nikon D3100 supports USB mass storage mode?


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