On 26.10.2014 23:11, Stephen Morris wrote:
> On 10/26/2014 10:26 AM, poma wrote:
>> On 26.10.2014 00:10, Stephen Morris wrote:
>>> On 10/25/2014 12:14 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>>> On 10/25/14 07:31, Stephen Morris wrote:
>>>>> DigiKam now seems be displaying the files on the camera now as well, 
>>>>> whereas yesterday it couldn't either, although digiKam doesn't understand 
>>>>> the raw format files that I am taking with the camera. I could use jpeg 
>>>>> images but that is not as good for image manipulation and corrections as 
>>>>> raw is.
>>>> You may be bumping up against an issue with DigiKam and image previews.
>>>> I have this issue with a Cannon.  When I hook up the camera a "preview" 
>>>> window pops up the photos taken in RAW format do not display in the 
>>>> preview.  However, once they are downloaded and placed in the library they 
>>>> display and can be worked with just fine.  This is with 
>>>> LibRaw-0.15.4-1.fc20 installed.
>>> When you say the photos don't display in the preview, do you mean it
>>> doesn't see the files at all, or can't show the contents?
>>> I assumed the reason it shows a default image for the files rather than
>>> the contents was because the raw format on my Nikon is proprietary and
>>> libraw hasn't been updated to support the format. The same issue was
>>> present with the raw interface in Photoshop/Photoshop Elements, it had
>>> to be updated to support the camera before it could manipulate the files
>>> in the NEF format that the D3100 takes.
>>> I've tried accessing the camera with GIMP, but it can't even see it. I
>>> haven't tried RAWTHERAPEE or DARKTABLE yet, but I know those two can
>>> process the NEF files when they are on a hard disk.
>>> regards,
>>> Steve
>> - LibRaw 0.11.2
>>    http://www.libraw.org/node/416
>>    New dcraw 9.05 imported, new cameras supported:
>>    ...
>>        Nikon: D3100, D7000, P7000,
>> - LibRaw / Changelog.txt
>>    https://github.com/LibRaw/LibRaw/blob/master/Changelog.txt#L738
>>    ...
>>    * Imported 0.11(2) version changes:
>>    + dcraw 9.05 (1.439) imported, many new cameras supported:
>>    ...
>>    Nikon: D3100, D7000, P7000,
>> - LibRaw 0.11.2 Released
>>    2. Imported dcraw 9.05 (1.439), support for many cameras added:
>>    ...
>>        Nikon: D3100, D7000, P7000
>> poma
> Looking at those links there isn't any detail on what support has been 
> provided. Given that digiKam and dolphin don't display the contents of 
> the images when they are on the camera but do when they are on the hard 
> disk, does that mean that support hasn't been properly implemented in 
> dcraw? I would have expected the support to provide the ability to 
> display the contents of the images in the camera when being previewed so 
> that one could make the decision about which images to move off the 
> camera sdcard.
> regards,
> Steve

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