On 4 October 2014 04:53, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Allegedly, on or about 03 October 2014, Ian Malone sent:
>> This is not correct:
>> Across.
>> Receipt.
>> Accept (!?)
>> It's not universally how letter sounds are taught in any case. Letter
>> names are not the same as sounds.
>> If you have a point about 'capital letters' it's more that the letter
>> sounds are less variable when they're initial sounds, but those don't
>> have to be capital. Otherwise We Would Write Like This.
> Writing like a Windows Moron Programmer Who Doesn't Understand The
> Grammar of Writing Sentences In The Pop-Up Windows, is yet another
> thing.

Sigh. You've replied to the same mail twice and in both cases cut the
bit I was replying to where you said this was a property of capital
letters, hence my example. I'm aware of phonics; I was at one point
taught to read. What I was trying to demonstrate was that sound of a
capital letter *is* exactly the same as a lower case letter. Hence
apple and APPLE sound the same. Teaching children otherwise would be a
fun experiment.

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