On 10/02/2014 09:57 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2014, at 10:16 PM, Orange Paranoid <anorangeparan...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I need a regular font resembling how a human being writes in the real
>> world. Beginners learning the English language need such a font.
> Children learning languages that use roman characters learn simple capital 
> block letters first. Then lower case. Then some rules about upper and lower 
> case. Then handwriting such as cursive (joined-up writing) is learned. 
> Anything handwritten in the "real world" will be both block and cursive, so 
> they have to learn how to read both.

I heard the other day that some schools no longer teach "handwriting" --the 
cursive stuff that most people used to write, and which very often became
pretty ratty-looking. I guess the feeling is that all the kids now have texting 
devices and will not see or need to use anything except typescript lettering. 

I suppose that's normal progress. Have you ever tried to read the blackletter 
output of the fourteenth century scribes? Even if your Latin is pretty good,
the blackletter is nearly incomprehensible.


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