On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> Allegedly, on or about 02 October 2014, Chris Murphy sent:
> > Children learning languages that use roman characters learn simple
> > capital block letters first. Then lower case.
> Depends on what country you're in.  In Australia, and England (I think),
> you learn the lower case letters first.  You learn the sounds of each
> letter, and you can figure out how to pronounce a word.  You can't do
> that from the sounds of the capital letters.
> e.g. wall, wuh-a-ull.... wall
>      WALL, double-you ay el el, unpronounceable

the sound of a capital letter is exactly the same as a lowercase letter.


wall, double-you, ay, el, ell, unpronounceable.
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