On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 04:00:02PM -0500, Eddie G. O'Connor wrote:
> On 12/30/2013 08:48 AM, Tim wrote:
> >Allegedly, on or about 30 December 2013, Mihamina Rakotomandimby sent:
> >>SPAM is very subjective.
> >>I saw users subscribing to several newsletters for an event (say XMas)
> >>and then in February they're too lazy to cleanly unsubscribe: they
> >>just tag the message as SPAM, and they argue it's SPAM because they
> >>dont want to receive the messages anymore.
> >>Dumb, but true.
> >I've seen that often enough.  When the "this is spam" button simply
> >configures their own software, it's merely a dumb thing to do.  But when
> >their mail client's "spam button" *reports* the message as spam, it
> >causes problems for the senders, who did nothing wrong.
> >
> I'm not doing that though, I don't intentionally sign-up for
> anything and the deliberately mark it as spam when I'm no longer
> interested. Every mailing list I've joined I have a genuine interest
> in, or it's a hobby of
> mine..(PremierGuitar.com.....GuitarFetish.com...etc) I see no real
> way that my email address got out TO the people who are using it as
> a spam receptacle! 

You see no real way? If you post to a list or news group your email
address is out there for the bots to harvest. Your address or your IP is
in your headers even if you spoof it.

All I want is for the mail that I have no
> intention of reading to be sent either to my spam folder...or else
> the trash! I guess for now it'll have to be me adding addresses to
> my filter, until I can get a handle on the Spam Assassin thing..or
> else I might have to just block everything..and then create filters
> for the stuff I DO want! but one way or the other...I intend on
> handling this spam issue before the end of the year!! Thank you all
> for your input...some of those ideas I'm definitely going to try
> out.....heck ANYTHING'S better than being "strapped" to your
> computer for hours at a time!

Your best bet is procmail + spam assassin. The trick is to call SA from
sendmail, postfix or whatever you have on your system. If you call it
from procmailrc the downloads will slow to a crawl.

Bob Holtzman
Your mail is being read by tight lipped 
NSA agents who fail to see humor in Doctor 
Key ID 8D549279

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