On 1/1/2014 1:31 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
> On 12/30/2013 04:07 PM, David wrote:
> I have it "on"...and I would hope its working...but its just seems to me
> that a LOT of spam is getting in....I dunno. I think I will be looking
> into Spam Assassin for TB,...and will be customizing my Message
> Filters...make some customized rules for this and then let it run. might
> even create a new email account and only use it for the mailing lists
> here and at CEntOS....thanks for all the info....advice...etc. And happy
> New Year Everyone!!

Like all spam filters, that I know of, you have to train it. You have to
mark emails as spam that you consider spam.

"Thunderbird and Junk / Spam Messages"


You have a Gmail address and they have a filter system too. But you also
have to 'tweak' it from time to time.

Spam Assassin would be the same way I would think. I do not know of any
spam filter program that already knows what email that *you* consider to
be spam. Like virus scanners they look for patterns.

My suggestion, what I do, is to train Gmail as to what is spam. That way
you don't even download it.

As for TBird message filters. Those are designed to move messages that
you want from your inbox to various folders. This message, for me, goes
to   <account_name>/Inbox/Fedora/Users

To try to do that with all of the My suggestion, what I do, is to train
Gmail as to what is spam. That way you don't even download it.am that
you say that you get would drive you crazy.  :-)

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