On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:
> this is childish
> there is a difference between well aware ipv4 and
> all sorts of firewalls and proctections configured
> or startup in a network with ipv6 enabled without
> knowing it or not configured at all
> coming up with a "link-local" address inside a network
> which is *pure ipv4* on a server means *any* random
> device which does the same may bypass all your firewall
> rule ssince iptables and ip6tables are two different
> services
so grow up and run an ipv6 firewall.
or go back to a much older distro.

> F19 with F20-Kernel
> *why?* there is no ipv6 configuration, BOOTPROTO=static is pretty clear
> IPV6INIT=no states clear *no ipv6 for me*
I think you're barking up the wrong tree,
take your arguement to kernel.org
IPv6 Init is done in the kernel before initscripts even runs.
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