Am 14.07.2013 01:43, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 07/12/2013 09:36 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> coming up with a "link-local" address inside a network
>> which is *pure ipv4* on a server means *any*  random
>> device which does the same may bypass all your firewall
>> rule ssince iptables and ip6tables are two different
>> services
> It might be a good idea, then, to configure ip6tables to deny 
> everything and enable it just to be sure
and *that* is what is plain wrong

if you do not need smb/nfs/afp you simply do not start samba, nfsd
and netatalk and not block the started services in the firewall

hence on a sane and specific amchine you should not need to enable
any firewall at all if you can disable any type of network specific
service except them which would be open anyway because the machines
role as a public webserver as example

these are principles for network-administration and this thread
was *not* intented to discuss about disable ipv6 completly nor
the other direction - it had a very simple question until the
first reply came

and that is why on a *static*, only ipv4 configured interface should
not be a link-local address

since i have enough of this threads subject and content multiple
changed by evangelists i restored it now - and i am the one
who violates the etiquette? ridiculous if someone looks at
this thread in tree-view

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