Am 12.07.2013 19:41, schrieb Fernando Lozano:
>> hence it would be enough if "ifup" would respect the configuration
>> i can not see "just having IPv6 enabled means there is an IPv6 address"
>> below - where is there ipv6 enabled? there is even a "IPV6INIT=no"
> I have overlooked that. I'm not a Fedora developer, have to check if IPV6INIT 
> means what me and you think it means,
> but I guess this is a bug.
> Have you checked

yes i have "NETWORKING_IPV6=no" since virtually forever
in "/etc/sysconfig/network" as well as "IPV6INIT=false"
in the interface configurations

this was most time ignored

after that i found out a modprobe-config like statet
"install ipv6 /bin/true" does the trick but this is no
longer true since a long time

later there where some settings in /etc/sysctl.conf which worked a
longe time until somewhere around F18 where "ipv6.disable=1" as
kernel boot-param was sugessted after mailing to devel/systemd list
and bugreports

since this also does not work in recent environments my simple
question by starting the thread was "which magic is now the best"
and i was *not* interested in evangelists explaining how
superiour ipv6 is as answer because it is *off-topic* for networks
behind gateways which are not ipv6 capable and opens only *security
problems* in LAN environments

you need not a security hole in the protocl - the simple presence of
it is one in environments where it is not needed is a security
problem and violates best practices "disable anything which is
not actively used" - period

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