Am 12.07.2013 20:24, schrieb David G.Miller:
> Fernando Lozano <fernando <at>> writes:
>>> [As I changed the subject, let me clear: IPv6 still compiled in the 
> kernel. Just the network interfaces configs
> <SNIP>
> Perhaps Fedora is the wrong distribution for you. 
> The whole idea behind Fedora is for it to be an "engineering proving 
> ground" where new technologies (like IPv6) are rolled out for real world 
> use.  In the case of IPv6, this includes hopefully providing the tools 
> required for users to be able to securely run a Fedora system with IPv6 
> enabled.  If there is a problem with the tools provided then the answer is 
> to fix the tools and/or provide additional tools; not pull back from a 
> technology that IS coming
why this polemic answer?

it is legit and recommended to disable ipv6 link-local on
machines inside a network with a ipv4-only gateway because
it is not needed, makes no sense and you should *never*
enable network capabilities which are not used

the main problem is not be able to *disable* it if
you know what you are doing and know why therese
is no need for ipv6 in your environment

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