Am 08.07.2013 20:19, schrieb lee:
>> i do not buy "you're simply lucky" after around 400 dist-upgrades
>> with yum on workstations and production servers with all sort
>> of services - i *never* rely on luck, i simply *test* and *prepare*
>> upgrades after test them carefully on clones with note all needed steps
> I don't have a clone of my computer around to test the upgrade process
> on. Do you have clones of all your workstations and servers which you
> upgrade first, then replace the "original" ones with them and try them
> out for six weeks to see if they work fine before upgrading the
> "originals"?

it is easy to setup a virtual machine with any for your
wokrload critical software configured 1:1 like on the
working system and test things out

critical servers are generally on vortualization here
and in this case cloning even the production system
is easy

hence in context of my phyiscal workstation there is
one at the office and one at home with are both
100% clones by start both with a live-cd and mirror
the four RAID10 disks with dd/ssh to the second one

the same works by pull 2 of the 4 RAID disks and put
them in the other machine, if it refuses to boot because
of too few disks to bring up the mirror a) you pulled
the wrong one and b) there is no change on disk, simply
put one back and take a different disk to the new syste,

> Well, I can only follow the upgrade instructions. I did that last time
> and was left with a mess.
> Do you have some detailed documentation about how every bit of Fedora
> works which I could read before trying to upgrade again?

finally it is a matter of expierience, playing around, testing
and learning, yes it takes time but i never re-installed any
fedora setup since FC3 and you can be sure i damaged a lot
in my beginning days

there is no "this is the reference dokumentation"
it is a matter of learn how the basic things like initramfs, bootloader
and so on are working, where they are configured, how to backup them
and how to deal with live-systems in the worst case and restore
basic things, as long the system boots there is nothing which can not
be repeaired and bring it to boot in case of errors is not easy for
the typical random-user, but it is simple with expierience

as said: if this is not your world of working with computers
maybe siwtch to centOS or another LTS, i get paied to know
and learn anything about the systems i manage

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