Am 09.07.2013 00:39, schrieb lee:
> Reindl Harald <> writes:
>>> Besides, I don't find it easy at all to set one up because the
>>> networking part is extremely difficult. 
>> using VMware Workstation it is trivial to
>> get a VM running in it's own NAT network
>> works out of the box
> And it costs EUR 193.5.[1] Do you have to buy updates, too?  Can you
> convert an existing system as is into a VM with it?  What is the
> performance impact with OpenGL apps?

well, here you have to make a choice as often in life

* learn to deal with "the networking part is extremely difficult"
* take money in your hand and avoid this part

> With all the means you have at your disposal and plenty time you even
> get payed for to mess around with computers, I can see how it becomes
> easy to upgrade Fedora.  What would you do if you had only one computer
> with all your data on it you don't want to lose and which you need to
> keep running on your own time and your own expense?  You'd be in a
> totally different world and might see things differently

how do think i "became in this world"

in the 1990's i had only one computer, no job and no internet at all
and this computer had *a lot* of valueable data and i was a noob
and i am autodidact, meaning a have no "offical" IT education

well, that did not stop me to learn how to install multiboot systems
with Win200, Win98 and different Linux distributions with again
no internet, no mailing-lists, no boards, not much manuals and
believe me in the 1990's installing a SuSE or Caldera Linux and
come to a X11 diaply server was an adventure of a sort where all
the problems mentioned these days are only amusing - well, there was
a not that bda printed manual in the SuSE box and two books but
these days you had to learn a lot at your own by trial and error

hence i learned to backup all my disks and partitions inclduing the
windows setups with splitted, gzipped dd-images from a shell to CD's
deal with boot-managers like LILO where you had to care of the physical
position of the kernel and could not simply reboot after a update like
today, i compiled my first own kernels some months after start palying
with Linux which was an adventure on a 466 MHz Celeron

that's why sometimes for me the FUD some spoiled people about how
difficult all the things today are ridiculous

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