Am 02.04.2013 11:14, schrieb Harald Hoyer:
>> it makes ZERO sense to split /usr to a own partition
>> you owuld really clone a partition containing the whole system
>> or share it with another setup without the depending RPM database
>> which lives in /var/lib/rpm/?
>> sorry but the idea of a seperate /usr is broken at all
> This is FUD. The idea is perfectly fine and we should bring our OS in shape 
> for
> doing it so

so explain what is FUD in the simple fact that snapshot/clone
a sperated /usr where 99% of the files are from RPM packages
while the RPM database is NOT under /usr makes no sense?

what do YOU imagine when as example (what was one of the arguments
for UsrMove) a snapshot of /usr is done before a upgrade which
changes the RPM database in /var/lib/rpm and you rollback to
the snapshot while the RPM database still has all updates?

i can not imagine a better way to fuck up a OS-installation

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