Am 01.04.2013 17:26, schrieb Robert Nichols:
> On 04/01/2013 07:47 AM, Noah Cutler wrote:
>> Hey all.
>> I'm confused over the whole separate /usr partition is broken thing:
>>  From an email in current fedora-user thread we have:
>> "That should not be necessary.  And would break a very normal system
>> setup of using separate drives, *even more so than the blasted can't have
>> a separate /usr thing that happened recently*."
>> During Fedora 18 fresh install with custom partitioning chosen, Anaconda
>> autocompletes mount points so I went with /boot, /, /user, /var, and /home
>> partitions.
>> Everything appears to work swimmingly here after 1 month of use -- separate 
>> /usr
>> partition does not appear to be broken...anymore??
>> Just trying to future proof my setup; if it's better to merge /usr into 
>> rootfs,
>> so be it, better to do it early days with the new system.
>> Otherwise, if someone can chime in here with some sage partitioning advice 
>> as to
>> how to proceed moving forward with Fedora, that would be much appreciated.
> If you really want to keep a separate /usr (I do, mounted read-only and
> located on an SSD) you just need to arrange to have /usr mounted by dracut
> early in the boot sequence. It's not hard:
> 1. Copy the /usr line from your /etc/fstab into a (probably new) file
>    /etc/fstab.sys .
> 2. Edit the file /etc/dracut.conf and change the line
>         #add_dracutmodules+=""
>    to read
>         add_dracutmodules+="fstab-sys"
> 3. IMPORTANT: In /etc/fstab, disable the automatic fsck for /usr by
>    putting a zero in field 6.
> 4. Run dracut to remake the initramfs in /boot.
> That's it.  Now your /usr gets mounted early in the boot sequence.
> It is available when needed, and you can ignore the warning from systemd.
> You will have to make your own arrangement for fsck on your /usr.  If
> you allowed the automatic fsck to run, it would be guaranteed to fail
> since the filesystem is mounted.  (The special handling for the root
> filesystem is hard-coded into fsck and would not apply to a pre-mounted
> /usr.)

Can you elaborate why you need this?

dracut already mounts /usr automatically with the 98usrmount dracut module.
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