Am 31.03.2013 07:42, schrieb Tim:
> Allegedly, on or about 30 March 2013, Joe Zeff sent:
>> Well, you could start by going to and
>> looking around to see what the people running have to say.  I think
>> it's called "due diligence," or something like that. 
> The trouble with trawling the web, or even single websites, is that
> you're in "needle in a haystack" territory.  Especially when sites move
> away from having a structured content (e.g. a table of contents that you
> can follow, that does not miss out some of the site contents), to being
> a mess of a small aspect of the site being thrown on the front page in
> an incoherent splatter
 * Voluntary Linux consumer
 * Computer-friendly
 * Likely collaborator
 * General productivity user

if you BLINDLY install any OS your are NOT one of this 4
and i would go so far that someone who does not bother
about life-cycles of software at all should go back to
windows, there are many people taking money to think
for him

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