Bill Kuns wrote:
My computer died, so I have to make a new one. The thing comes up nicely, but
when I try
to load the Fedora 15 I've been using, it won't go. I keep getting this screen
which demands
that I select a driver. What driver? Where do I find the blasted thing? Isn't
there a driver
on the Fedora 15 DVD?
I hope someone can help.
From the top:
1 - FC15 is woefully old and a newer version might be helpful
2 - Do you by chance mean "can't install" FC15?
3 - If you have an install clarify "load"
Bill Davidsen <>
"We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked." - from Slashdot
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