Am 30.03.2013 22:07, schrieb Richard Vickery:
> I'm just offering my understanding of the cycles, Reindl. Perhaps I should 
> have prefaced my contribution as such,
> but that is not grounds for calling it ZERO. Calling my contribution ZERO 
> indicates that I took a class on
> understanding the development cycle, in which your ZERO would be 
> self-directed, or directed at Red Hat or Fedora,
> because you didn't teach the concepts properly, but there is no such course,  
> so why bash me when I am just here to
> contribute and learn what I can. Did I not start the piece with a suggestive 
> beginning that I may be wrong and
> those like yourself with vastly superior knowledge would clear it up?

you REALLY install a random operating system without
any research of basics? if you act in the real world
this way you would not have a chance to survive

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