Am 25.02.2013 23:00, schrieb Rahul Sundaram:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:52 PM, Reindl Harald < 
> <>> wrote:
>     in other words:
>     we are changing things for EVERYBODY so that no one can complain
>     it was changed only for him - technical nonsense
> Not really what I said at all.  On the contrary, it all depends on the 
> configuration file and we have to consider
> it on a case by case basis.  For instance, systemd now uses /etc/hostname 
> which was originally a Debian
> convention.  In other cases,  a neutral location and format was created.   
> example: /etc/os-release
which does ALL not change the fact that if you have a valid
Redhat knowledge / certification you can throw it away and the
current development does not show a sign that this will stop
in the next years

technical nonsense AKA change for the sake of the change

why do we not kill all the linux distributions and go ONE GLORY
way? becaue there is NO one glory way!

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