Am 25.02.2013 22:47, schrieb Rahul Sundaram:
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Reindl Harald < 
> <>> wrote:
>     who needs political reasons in software-development?
>     things are fine and working or not
>     yes, so easy the world could be
>     it would be easy to drive with sytemd the Radhat way and let other
>     distributions decide if they use sysVinit forever or follow this way
> You are self-contradicting.  Driving systemd "the Red Hat way" would be a 
> political decision.  systemd developers
> specifically don't want to do that at all.  They want to make technically 
> good decisions and sometimes that means
> looking at what other distributions are doing and adopting the good parts.  
> Sometimes, that means coming up with
> new configuration file formats or locations

in other words:

we are changing things for EVERYBODY so that no one can complain
it was changed only for him - technical nonsense

sometimes it feels more developers have contracts with book wirters
to give a godd reason to buy the next version of a book because you
can throw away all existing ones

there where books written in 1998 which where perfectly until 2006/2007
and mostly 2009, they contained informations which where valid for decades
and now things are chnages each month - and this is the right direction?

it is NOT!
this has NOTHING to do with the unix paradigms

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