
On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>wrote:

> Am 25.02.2013 22:09, schrieb Rahul Sundaram:
> >
> > I am not sure why the stock quote is consider a useful argument here.
>  Distributions are already adopting this.
> and why "they" are not adopting /etc/sysconfig?

You will have to ask them for specific reasons.  As a general trend,
different distributions have over a period of time come up with various
configuration files and formats to do the same thing which leads to
pointless differences and makes it a fragile development platform for any
third party developer.  Adoption to a neutral location is easier than
asking them to buy into /etc/sysconfig on the whole because of the legacy
involved, for both technical (non extensible file formats, distro specific
quirks) and political reasons (why should we adopt a Red Hat or SUSE
decision etc).  For distributions using systemd, a change like this is
easier to adopt now because they have already bought into the benefits of
systemd and compatibility has been maintained during the transition

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