My opinion.
so NO microsoft is not in any position to control the x86 market
I have been watching this thread with interest.
Conversation to date raises, for me, a number of points.
1. None of this would be necessary if Microsoft produced quality, secure
operating systems in the first instance.
Microsoft caused Linux to happen. Linux would not be bane of their
existence, it may never even have existed in it's current form/s were it
not for denial, refusal and incessant greed on their part. They have
only themselves to blame and squirming as with Secureboot seems just that.
2. Being very concerned about competition. Microsoft has to eliminate it
or at least make attempts to do so.
3. Microsoft seem to be grasping at straws, seemingly fully backed by
the Administration.
4. Users neither know or care, they buy a computer, it has windows, end
of discussion.
5. <quote> Linux is scary, no one uses it anyway. I can't use any of my
programs on it"</endquote>
6. Microsoft doesn't need to care about the x86 market, as long as they
can clandestinely, over time, eliminate use of other operating systems
(except for Apple). To me the Verisign discussion so far, seems only a
first step toward the goal of killing off the flies buzzing round the
poo pile that Microsoft plays in.
They can't control Open Source so want boot locked down or out,
depending on one's point of view. In saying this I admit no knowledge
of Secureboot or Verisign.
A question I would be asking is what could be their next step.
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